Cambourne: 01954 710700


Elsworth Church of England Primary School


Broad End, Elsworth, Cambridgeshire. CB23 4JD

01954 267272

Entrance to primary school

Secondary Schools Nearby

Cambourne Village College

Cambourne Village College opened its doors to their first-ever students in September 2013. With brand-new, state-of-the-art facilities the college aims for ‘Excellence for All’. The college strives for the highest standards of education and achievement for every single pupil. Equipped with highly committed staff, many of which are subject specialists working at both Comberton and Cambourne Village Colleges, ensuring the highest standards of teaching and support for all pupils.

The college seeks to ensure not only academic excellence for all pupils but also a broad and rounded education that enables each of them to become capable, caring and confident individuals. There are many opportunities outside of the formal curriculum to enable a whole range of talents and attributes to be developed in all pupils. These include exciting opportunities overseas, in line with Trust’s aim to provide education with an international outlook.

The well-equipped buildings boasts a range of modern facilities including sports and performance halls, large, open social areas, technology rooms and music and drama studios. Vibrantly-coloured corridors and bright rooms create an exciting environment for children to learn, while on the outside of the building inspirational quotes adorn a number of walls. Alongside the £20m state-of-the-art building there are vast playing fields and hard play areas for sport and breaktimes. The College is equipped with state-of-the-art ICT that enable pupils to prepare for the workplace of tomorrow. IPads and technology are encouraged to enhance the learning experience.


Cambourne Village College

Sheepfold Lane, Cambourne, Cambridgeshire. CB23 6FR

01954 284000

Comberton Village College

West Street, Comberton, Cambridgeshire. CB23 7DU

01223 262503

Comberton Village College

Comberton Village College is a vibrant 11-19 college situated on the edge of the South Cambridgeshire village of Comberton, close to Toft. It opened in 1960 as a school for 240 pupils and now accommodates around 1,700 students, including those in the Sixth Form, which opened three years ago and is already proving one of the most successful in the county.

Last summer’s GCSE results which saw 80% of students achieving five or more A*-C grades were the best among state schools and the Sixth Form statistics of 90% A*-C grades at A level were also impressive. At the last Ofsted inspection in 2013, both the 11-16 part of the school and the Sixth Form were rated outstanding in all areas.

All students are helped and encouraged to realise the highest level of achievement of which they are capable, with ‘Excellence for All’ the driving force  behind the Comberton Academy Trust, which oversees Comberton Village College as well as the colleges at nearby Cambourne and Melbourn and The Voyager in Peterborough.

Opportunities abound for students at Comberton with a huge range of curricular trip and visits, both locally and nationally, partnerships with schools in Europe, African and South America as well as an enviable choice of after-school activities on offer.

But Comberton is so much more than students and  exam results. Established under the Henry Morris principle of a school at the heart of its community, Comberton still holds those values true today with a thriving Community Education department and Sports and Arts complex which allow many clubs, societies and individuals to benefit from the superb facilities.

In addition Comberton was designated as one of the first Teaching School’s in the country and is at the forefront of providing training and support for the teaching profession, from initial teacher training to senior leadership, as part of the Cambridge Teaching Schools Network.


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