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Local Shops

Elsworth Village Shop

Elsworth Village Shop is located in the centre of Elsworth village, on Broad End. The shop is a community enterprise, run by a team of volunteers and managed by two local villagers. Alongside essential everyday items and newspapers the shop sells homemade jams, pickles and preserves; cakes from renowned local bakery Tom’s Cakes and locally-sourced meat, vegetables and bread. Some village residents supply us with fruit and vegetables in season and handmade cards. At Christmas there are all sorts of gifts and speciality foods to try and your turkey with all the trimmings can be ordered and collected on Christmas Eve. A coffee machine provides fresh lattes and cappuccinos and there is even a small table at which to sit and enjoy a cuppa whilst tapping into the free Wi-Fi.


Village shop interior with convenience foods and handmade crafts
Village shop exterior next to recreation fields

The shop is open from 8am – 6pm Mon-Fri and from 9am – midday at the weekends. Credit and debit cards are accepted and a cash back service is also available.


Broad End, Elsworth, Cambridge. CB23 4JD

01954 267951

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