Nurseries and Schools
Brampton Day Nursery
Village nursery located on Brampton’s high street.
62 The High Street, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. PE28 4TH
01480 433896
Brampton Village Primary School
The early years of a child’s education are very important and choosing a primary school where your child will thrive is one of the most significant decisions you have to make as a parent. Brampton Village Primary is a caring, friendly school where every child truly matters. The school seeks to work in partnership with parents to enable children to be happy and confident, to enjoy learning and to achieve the very best of which they are capable. Its aim is to provide pupils with firm foundations on which they can build happy and successful futures. Each child is seen as someone unique and special so staff strive to find, celebrate and develop individual strengths and talents.
A great deal of emphasis is placed on personal responsibility, respect, consideration and care for others. Staff aim to develop a supportive environment in which children can learn to work and play collaboratively. Children help to make the school what it is and, through family councils, are given a voice with which to influence events and shape the future of their school.
In our most recent Ofsted inspection (2012), inspectors commented that Brampton Village Primary is a ‘good and improving school’ where teachers ‘engage pupils’ interest, hold their attention and motivate them to succeed’ and children ‘receive a well-rounded education … and thrive as members of the school community.’
Visits to the school are warmly welcomed. To arrange a visit, please contact the school office on 01480 375063 or
The Green, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. PE28 4RF
01480 375 063
Brampton Primary School