Book a Valuation Now

We’re fully informed on the market, so we can inform you.
We use our extensive market knowledge of housing prices in your locality to accurately value your home.
We will always explain to you our reasoning, so you can be confident the price is right.
But, it’s not just a Valuation…
…It’s a Moving Meeting.
We also:
– Provide advice on preparing your home for the market and how to add value to your property.
– Discuss pricing and marketing strategies, in relation to what is working best in the current climate and local area.
– Work with you to create a time frame so that you move when you want to.
Our Moving Meetings are free, friendly and without obligation.

If you are not quite ready to have your home valued we can still keep you updated with market trends and activity.
Find out when it is the best time to sell your home and discover the secrets of how to get the most money for your property.